Package 'image.ContourDetector'

Title: Implementation of the Unsupervised Smooth Contour Line Detection for Images
Description: An implementation of the Unsupervised Smooth Contour Detection algorithm for digital images as described in the paper: "Unsupervised Smooth Contour Detection" by Rafael Grompone von Gioi, and Gregory Randall (2016). The algorithm is explained at <doi:10.5201/ipol.2016.175>.
Authors: Jan Wijffels [aut, cre, cph] (R wrapper), BNOSAC [cph] (R wrapper), Rafael Grompone von Gioi [ctb, cph] (src/smooth_contours), Gregory Randall [ctb, cph] (src/smooth_contours), Niccolò Marchi [ctb]
Maintainer: Jan Wijffels <[email protected]>
License: AGPL-3
Version: 0.1.1
Built: 2025-03-04 04:17:13 UTC

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The image.ContourDetector package detects contour lines in images


Unsupervised Smooth Contour Detection.

Following the a contrario approach, the starting point is defining the conditions where contours should not be detected: soft gradient regions contaminated by noise. To achieve this, low frequencies are removed from the input image. Then, contours are validated as the frontiers separating two adjacent regions, one with significantly larger values than the other. Significance is evaluated using the Mann-Whitney U test to determine whether the samples were drawn from the same distribution or not. This test makes no assumption on the distributions. The resulting algorithm is similar to the classic Marr-Hildreth edge detector, with the addition of the statistical validation step. Combined with heuristics based on the Canny and Devernay methods, an efficient algorithm is derived producing sub-pixel contours.


Rafael Grompone von Gioi, and Gregory Randall, Unsupervised Smooth Contour Detection, Image Processing On Line, 6 (2016), pp. 233-267. doi:10.5201/ipol.2016.175

See Also


Unsupervised Smooth Contour Lines Detection in an image


Unsupervised Smooth Contour Detection.

Following the a contrario approach, the starting point is defining the conditions where contours should not be detected: soft gradient regions contaminated by noise. To achieve this, low frequencies are removed from the input image. Then, contours are validated as the frontiers separating two adjacent regions, one with significantly larger values than the other. Significance is evaluated using the Mann-Whitney U test to determine whether the samples were drawn from the same distribution or not. This test makes no assumption on the distributions. The resulting algorithm is similar to the classic Marr-Hildreth edge detector, with the addition of the statistical validation step. Combined with heuristics based on the Canny and Devernay methods, an efficient algorithm is derived producing sub-pixel contours.


image_contour_detector(x, Q = 2, ...)



a matrix of image pixel values in the 0-255 range.


numeric value with the pixel quantization step


further arguments, not used yet


an object of class cld which is a list with the following elements

  • curves: The number of contour lines found

  • contourpoints: The number of points defining the contour lines found

  • data: A data.frame with columns 'x', 'y' and 'curve' giving the x/y locations for each contour curve


Rafael Grompone von Gioi, and Gregory Randall, Unsupervised Smooth Contour Detection, Image Processing On Line, 6 (2016), pp. 233-267. doi:10.5201/ipol.2016.175


imagelocation <- system.file("extdata", "image.pgm", package="image.ContourDetector")
image         <- read.pnm(file = imagelocation, cellres = 1)

x             <- image@grey * 255
contourlines  <- image_contour_detector(x, Q = 2)
plot(contourlines, add = TRUE, col = "red")

## line_segment_detector expects a matrix as input
##  if you have a jpg/png/... convert it to pgm first or take the r/g/b channel

x   <- image_read(system.file("extdata", "atomium.jpg", package="image.ContourDetector"))
mat <- image_data(x, channels = "gray")
mat <- as.integer(mat, transpose = TRUE)
mat <- drop(mat)
contourlines <- image_contour_detector(mat)

##  working with a RasterLayer

x   <- raster(system.file("extdata", "landscape.tif", package="image.ContourDetector"))

contourlines <- image_contour_detector(x)
plot(contourlines, add = TRUE, col = "blue", lwd = 10)

Plot the detected contour lines from the image_contour_detector


Plot the detected contour lines from the image_contour_detector


## S3 method for class 'cld'
plot(x, ...)



an object of class cld as returned by image_contour_detector


further arguments passed on to plot


invisibly a SpatialLines object with the contour lines


imagelocation <- system.file("extdata", "image.pgm", package="image.ContourDetector")
image         <- read.pnm(file = imagelocation, cellres = 1)
contourlines  <- image_contour_detector(image@grey * 255)
plot(contourlines, add = TRUE, col = "red")