cronR 0.6.5 (2023-01-09)
- cron_rscript: fix 'the condition has length > 1' when passing on rscript_args
cronR 0.6.4
- cron_add, cron_rm now also allow to add/remove cron jobs from another user by passing the user argument
cronR 0.6.3
- cron_rscript gains an argument, type, which allows for different command types such as those that generate an output on error. The current command type is the "default" value.
- cron_rscript gains an argument, ... allowing to add extra options specific to the type
- Changes to deparse_crontab(): all cronR jobs will be placed at the bottom of the crontab now instead of the top.
cronR 0.6.2 (2022-02-17)
- Call "crontab -r" without "-u user" when the user parameter is empty.
- Omit empty line when no env is passed in cron_add
cronR 0.6.1 (2022-01-28)
- cron_add gains an argument, env, which sets environment variables for a cron job by a named vector.
- remove VignetteBuilder entry in DESCRIPTION
cronR 0.6.0 (2021-09-20)
- Make sure always ask for approval when executing cron_add, cron_rm, cron_clear unless explicitely indicating ask=FALSE
- Removed vignette as it is available in the README
cronR 0.5.1 (2021-09-01)
- Switch unit testing from testthat to tinytest
- Fix unit test if user has access rights to /opt folder (e.g. as root)
cronR 0.5.0 (2021-08-20)
- Change default directory of R script deployment in the addin: cron_rstudioaddin
- Fix issue #42 - warning when passing user argument
cronR 0.4.2 (2020-09-23)
- Allow to specify working directory for launching scripts
- Add rmarkdown as dependency
cronR 0.4.0 (2018-03-08)
- Allow creating any cron schedule + update rstudio addin + added examples on that
- No longer use the extdata folder if the user does not have right permissions
cronR 0.3.0 (2017-03-03)
- Add cron_rscript
- Add examples
- Make sure Rscript uses full path and shQuote scripts
- Roxygen updates
- Vignette
cronR 0.2.1
- Use shinyfiles package to allow to use files on a server instead of uploading them
cronR 0.2.0
- Added RStudio add-in
- Fixed issues with days_of_week, days_of_month and months parsing if several were given
- R CMD check happiness